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Business Accounts

BankORION is committed to servicing your business needs. Our full line of commercial services and products are cost effective and competitive. We offer merchant credit card processing at competitive rates. Business debit cards are available for easy account access. Servicing your account effectively and handling your needs is always a priority at BankORION. How can we help you?

Regular Business Checking Business NOW Checking Business Super NOW Money Market Account Statement Savings
Minimum Opening Balance $100 $100 $100 $100 $100
Unlimited Deposits Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Earn Interest No Yes Yes Yes Yes
FREE Digital Banking & eStatements Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Digital Banking Features
  • Secure access to accounts
  • Imaged checks & deposits
  • 24 months of statement history
  • Transfer funds & make loan payments
  • Mobile App
  • Mobile Deposit (first 10 deposits are free; 11 + are $1.00 each)
Bill Pay Yes - $10 Monthly Fee Yes - $10 Monthly Fee Yes - $10 Monthly Fee No No
Zero-To-Low Service Fees
  • An average daily balance of $100 avoids a $5 service fee
  • During any statement cycle, if the average daily balance is at least $100 but less than $250 the account will be subject to a $4 service fee
  • An average daily balance of $1,000 avoids a service fee
  • An average daily balance <$500 has a $5 service fee
  • An average daily balance between $500 to $1,000 has a $3 service fee
  • An average daily balance of >$2,500 avoids a service fee
  • An average daily balance <$2,500 has a $5 service fee

  • An average daily balance of $100 avoids a $5 service fee
  • During any statement cycle, if the average daily balance is at least $100 but less than $250 the account will be subject to a $4 service fee
  • An average daily balance of $100 avoids a $5 service fee
Zero-To-Low Debit Transaction Fees
  • During any statement cycle, if the account falls below the average monthly balance of $250 and also exceeds 30 debits, the account will be charged $0.10 per debit.*
  • No limit on withdrawals per monthly statement cycle.
  • During any statement cycle, if the account falls below the average monthly balance of $1,000 the account  will be charged $0.10 per debit.*
  • No limit on withdrawals per monthly statement cycle.
  • During any statement cycle, if the account falls below the average monthly balance of $2,500 the account  will be charged $0.10 per debit.*
  • No Limit on withdrawals per monthly statement cycle.
  • During any monthly statement cycle, if the debits exceed six (6) the account will be charged $5 per debit.*
  • No limit on withdrawals per monthly statement cycle.
  • During any quarterly statement cycle, if the account falls below the average daily balance of $100 and also exceeds thirteen (13) debits, the account will be charged $1 per debit.*

* Please refer to the account Truth in Savings for applicable debit details.