Coming Soon! We are working very hard to provide you with a new website that is easy to use, navigate and has all the conveniences you need. We will be updating you very soon on the launch date. Be on the lookout for more announcements!
Our partnership with Deluxe® offers credit card processing solutions for your business. Ask us about Mobile Processing, Smart Terminals, Virtual Terminals, Point of Sale Systems, Integrations such as QuickBooks, and E-Commerce solutions. BankORION provides:
We would like to extend an offer to provide these services to you. Even if you currently have a debit/credit card processing company, we can examine your statement and provide you with a free analysis and proposal. Whatever your organization size or need, we can customize a solution to fulfill your needs. Here are some of the great products and services we offer through this partnership:
Take advantage of our Meet or Beat Challenge. If you can provide us with two months of processing statements and we cannot beat or meet your effective rate, Deluxe will send you a $500.00 Visa® gift card.
Call Jill and ask for more information about merchant services at 309.916.8100 or click on the button below to reach Deluxe directly.
Merchant Services
Call us today to learn about our Fitech credit card processing services.