Coming Soon! We are working very hard to provide you with a new website that is easy to use, navigate and has all the conveniences you need. We will be updating you very soon on the launch date. Be on the lookout for more announcements! 

President's Message

Life is a partnership.

Since 1890, we've been a locally owned, locally managed, independent bank. Ours is a bright partnership. 

At its core, a partnership is just people helping people. When people partner together they have the ability to live their best lives. Through partnership, the can attain goals, dream big and pursue happiness. 

If life is a partnership, then we are that bright partner who is here to make it worthwhile. A trusted friend. A guiding star. A steady leader. A reliable advisor. A community bank to help you navigate life. 

What do you want most in a bank? Access to your money? Convenience? Great rates? Financial guidance? Borrowing power? Those only happen through a great banking partnership. At BankORION, we create bright partnerships that add value, make lives better and last a lifetime. We like doing partner-driven working together to find solutions, anticipating needs, respecting others, listening well, noticing the details, exceeding expectations, and responding with compassion. 

Partnership has its perks. Our mission is to provide a bright partnership that enhances the financial well-being of our customers, employees, shareholders and the communities we serve by offering flexibility, reliability, compassion, and commitment. This is what a bright partnership is all about.  

Matthew P. Bollinger

President and Chief Executive Officer