Coming Soon! We are working very hard to provide you with a new website that is easy to use, navigate and has all the conveniences you need. We will be updating you very soon on the launch date. Be on the lookout for more announcements! 

Community Impact

There is purpose in partnership. Ours is a bright partnership, driven by a mission to do what is right and make lives better. One thing we love about community banking is how it brings people together, pairing needs with resources, enabling dreams to become reality. A bright partnership leads to a bright future. We are making a difference, and it matters. BankORION takes great pride in our social responsibility and focuses on the needs of our community through volunteering, providing donations and sponsoring events.

State of Illinois Community Reinvestment Notice

The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) evaluates our performance in meeting the financial services needs of this community, including the needs of low-income to moderate-income households. The Department takes this evaluation into account when deciding on certain applications submitted by us for approval by the Department. Your involvement is encouraged. You may obtain a copy of our evaluation once the Department completes our first evaluation. You may also submit signed, written comments about our performance in meeting community financial services needs to the Department. We will update this notice when our first evaluation has been issued. Evaluations available under the federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) (12 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.) are not affected by the Illinois Community Reinvestment Act. Please see the federal CRA notice we have posted in our lobbies.


If you would like us to participate in your community activity or event and are in need of a donation, please complete our donation form.

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Sponsored Events

We are proud to sponsor community events where all our branches are located. Click through to see some great pictures.

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BankORION Giveaways

From time to time, BankORION offers fun giveaways and promotions to everyone! Here's the page with all the details.

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