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How do I deposit a check using Mobile Deposit?

With mobile deposit, you can deposit a check using an Apple iPhone running iOS 5.0 or later and an Android smartphone running OS 2.3 or later.  In addition, you’ll need a wireless internet connection.


  • Hold the camera parallel to the item and match the check inside the guidelines on the phone
  • We recommend that a flash is not used as this may wash the quality of the image
  • Background must be a dark, consistent color without any patterns or obvious texture (marble tabletops or wood grain tabletops have been known to cause problems)
  • If your table surface is not a solid contrasting color, place behind the check a sheet of paper or something that has a solid color and contrasts with the stock check color
    • If taken against a light background the optics may have trouble reading the edges of the item and therefore may not crop properly
  • Make sure that lighting is optimal without any shadowing
  • The check should lay as flat as possible with no folds in order to not warp the image for OCR
  • You can also place a small dot in each corner of the check (about the size of an eraser) this will help the OCR align with the check properly and define the borders
  • Business Checks: 8.7 by 3.8 inches
  • Personal Checks: 5.7 by 2.2 inches

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