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What is mobile check deposit?

Q.  What is Mobile Check Deposit?
Mobile check deposit is a feature of the BankORION mobile app that allows you to make check deposits using your iPhone or Android smart phone to a consumer account.

Q.  What accounts can deposits be made to using BankORION Mobile Deposit?
Consumers may make deposits to their personal checking and savings accounts only.

Q.  Is there a fee for BankORION mobile deposit?

This service is FREE for consumers or retail customers. For Business or Commercial customers, the service is free up to 10 deposits per month. More than 10 deposits will incur a $1.00 fee per deposit. Wireless service provider charges may apply also.

Q.  Can I make deposits to a loan account to make a payment?
No.  You cannot make deposits to loan accounts.  Deposits can only be made to a personal checking or savings account.  Once the deposited funds become available, you can then transfer the money to a loan account to make a payment.

Q.  How do I deposit a check using Banking Mobile Deposit?
With mobile deposit, you can deposit a check using an Apple iPhone running iOS 5.0 or later and an Android smartphone running OS 2.3 or later.  In addition, you’ll need a wireless internet connection.

Q. Do mobile deposited checks need to be signed?
Yes, endorse or sign the check with your signature(s) and “for mobile deposit only”.  Without proper endorsement, your check will be rejected. 

Q.  When does a mobile deposit post and funds become available?
On weekdays (excluding holidays), the cutoff time for same business day posting is 3:00 p.m. CST.  Deposits made after the 3:00 p.m. CST cutoff will be posted the next business day.  Deposits received after 3:00 p.m. CST on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or any holiday will be posted the next business day.  
*Longer holds may apply in certain situations.

Q. How can I be sure the deposit image is accepted?
For best results, ensure the image of your check is inside the four corners of the box, the information on the back is legible and properly endorsed, and it is properly zoomed in or out as necessary.

*An Android phone may require the user to hold the camera higher over the check but still within the four corners of the grid in order to zoom out on the image.  The software will not accept an image that is too small.

Q.  Can I deposit more than one check at a time?
Each check is deposited individually and requires its own photo of the front and back.  A daily aggregate limit will apply.

Q.  How do I know if my mobile deposit was accepted?
Check your “deposits” tab to review “deposit history”.  You will be able to see pending, failed, and accepted deposits.  A text message will be received also.

Q.  Where do I find my deposit history?
The deposit history can be found under “deposits” on the mobile menu.

Q.  Can a deposit be cancelled once it’s submitted through BankORION mobile deposit?
No.  Once a deposit is submitted, it will begin going through the deposit process.

Q.  What do I do if a check failed to deposit?
If you can’t get a check to deposit by the mobile application after multiple attempts, present the item for deposit to any of our convenient locations.  An additional hold on funds may be applicable.

Q.  How long will my check image be available through “view deposit history”?
Check images will be available for 90 days for those checks deposited through mobile deposit.

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