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How do you prevent fraud on a mobile device?

Mobile Device - Security

It's a good idea to use a pin, passcode, fingerprint or facial recognition to access your mobile devices. If your phone gets lost or stolen, a fraudster can easily access all the data on your phone when you don't have a locking mechanism. 

The following links will take you directly to's website. This is a great tool to use for learning more about your iPhone and security. 

Set a Passcode on iPhone 

Set up FaceID on iPhone

Set up TouchID on iPhone 

There are many Samsung devices. Here's a link you can use to get to know your phone. 

Get to know your Samsung product

Mobile Device - Sensitive Data Storage or Deletion

It is also a good idea to encrypt any sensitive information stored on your mobile device. Are you using a passcode to get into your documents? Are you using a secure storage solution? If you don't need the information stored, are you disposing the information properly? If you have answered no to any of these questions, your sensitive information could be found easily by a fraudster.

Before you part with an old phone, make sure to wipe the phone and get it back to the factory settings. This way, the next person to use the phone will not have access to any of your data.

Lost or Stolen Mobile Devices

If your phone has been lost or stolen, call your cell phone provider immediately so they can deactivate the device. IPhones have the ability to deactivate each other if this is set up using the Find My iPhone app. 

Mobile Device - Malware and Viruses

Typically, iPhones do not need protection from viruses however, it is good practice to only download reputable apps and always update your phones with the latest software updates to protect against any malware. 


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