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What is Malicious Software?

Malicious software, including software which compromises account-holder computers locally via Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) attacks are a significant threat to the security of financial data. Man-in-the-Browser attacks install malicious software in the background via “drive by download.” This malware is then able to monitor and hijack user web sessions to then transfer funds or harvest payment cards and online banking credentials, while redirecting the legitimate cardholder to a fictitious error page. This type of malware often deploys automatically when a user visits a compromised website.

Maintaining a secure, up-to-date operating system along with robust security and anti-malware software are critical first steps in preventing this type of fraud. Availability and deployment of automation and crime-ware is increasing in the card fraud world. Both all-in-one malware packages designed to compromise computer systems (e.g., Zeus, Citadel, Tilon) as well as individual tools able to crack passwords and to automatically carry out brute force attacks are available for purchase on underground websites and on criminal forums. Heavy reliance on one type of security tool or on older tools could lead to more fraud loss. It is always a good idea to have a dynamic, multi-layered detection and prevention strategy.

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