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Employment Application

There is purpose in partnership. A bright partnership brings people together, driven by a mission to do what is right and make lives better. What inspires you is what motivates us too – serving others, working hard, getting it done, exceeding expectations, strengthening relationships, bettering our communities, and doing what is right every day. An attentive partner really knows you, listens to you, respects you, and trusts you. A smart partner thinks ahead and looks out for you. They stand by your side to help you succeed. Trustworthy partners are along for the ups and downs, in it together.

At BankORION, we create bright partnerships that add value, make lives better and last a lifetime. We like doing partner-driven things…like working together to find solutions, anticipating needs, respecting others, listening well, noticing the details, exceeding expectations, and responding with compassion. We understand that our collective intelligence is always going to be higher than the IQ of just one person, no matter how smart. When we tackle challenges with a collaborative spirit, we come up with better ideas while sharpening each other’s saw.

Let’s sign on to make great choices. Form strong teams. Build great relationships. Listen well. Serve others. Respect everyone. Elevate the financial well-being of those we serve. Start a bright partnership with us today.


A Bright Partnership

All fields marked with an * are required.

Job Details

Personal Information

Applicant Information


Education Information

Employment History

Employment Status
Current Employer (or most recent employer)
  •  (mm/yyyy)
  •  (mm/yyyy)
May we contact this employer?
  • $
Previous Employer 1
  •  (mm/yyyy)
  •  (mm/yyyy)
May we contact this employer?
  • $
Previous Employer 2
  •  (mm/yyyy)
  •  (mm/yyyy)
May we contact this employer?
  • $
Previous Employer 3
  •  (mm/yyyy)
  •  (mm/yyyy)
May we contact this employer?
  • $

Employment Information

What hours are you available to work?
Do any of your relatives work for this company?
Have you been convicted of a felony?
  • (Conviction will not necessarily disqualify an applicant from employment.)
Have you served in the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard?

Professional References

Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3

Optional Resumé Upload

Resumé Upload
  • (Please submit a single PDF or Microsoft Word file)

Affirmative Action Survey (Optional)

Survey Information

BankORION is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in hiring or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law. No question on this form is intended to secure information to be used for such discrimination.

BankORION is required by federal regulations to report information as requested below. You submission of this information is completely voluntary and in no way affects the decision regarding your employment opportunity. The information you provide is strictly confidential and will be maintained separately from your application form.

How did you hear about this job?
How did you learn of this job opening? *

Applicant's Statement

Conditions of the Application
By checking this box and submitting this electronic application, I affirm that I have read and I agree to the conditions of the application above, and that all information I have provided in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Yes, I agree.