Coming Soon! We are working very hard to provide you with a new website that is easy to use, navigate and has all the conveniences you need. We will be updating you very soon on the launch date. Be on the lookout for more announcements! 


At BankORION, we take fraud seriously. There are many ways that can help you deter fraud as well as solutions to prevent fraud from happening again. Let's get the fraud out of your life. First, take the steps below to report fraud. Then sign up for alerts to monitor your cards and accounts. Lastly, review some of our most frequently asked questions.

Report Fraud or Identity Theft

For Cards:

If you believe your Card information has been lost, stolen or compromised in any way, call BankORION immediately at the number on the back of your Card or at 309.526.8011 to suspend service. For lost or stolen cards after hours, please call 800.472.3272. For Fraud protection after hours, please call: .866.750.9107 or 877.253.8964.

For Identity:

If you suspect identity theft, here's a list of steps to take immediately. 

  • Contact us immediately at 309.526.8011. 
  • Call the credit bureaus:
  • Contact any creditors you might have. Close those accounts that were hacked and open new ones.
  • Change passcodes, passwords or login credentials on any open accounts.
  • File a police report. You can also report a crime through the Federal Trade Commission hotline at 1.877.IDTHEFT or online at

Online Banking Passcode Reset


It's always a good idea to update your passcode frequently. Do you need to reset your passcode now? Here are 4 easy steps to reset your passcode:

Click the "Reset Your Passcode" button above. This will take you to our secure online banking platform to change your passcode information.  

  • Validate your account. Here you will input your Access ID, Primary Email Address and the last four digits of your SSN or TaxID. 
  • Answer your security question. 
  • Deliver a temporary passcode through your email or phone. 
  • Reset your passcode and hit submit!

Set Up Alerts

Notify Me Alerts

You can set up alerts through our online banking platform. Login to the BankORION Online Banking from a web browser. Click the "Alerts" button at the top of the page, then click "Settings." From the Settings page, you will be able to create alerts that will go to either your email or your mobile device. There are many options to choose from including but not limited to, getting balances, alerts for overdrawn accounts, and alerts for transactions over a certain amount. To get started, click on the login button at the top of this page.

BankORION Alerts Powered by VISA®

Alerts from BankORION powered by Visa help you reduce fraud and monitor your spending anytime, anywhere. With near real-time alerts, you can receive updates on your Visa® card activity through email. So you can act quickly to reduce fraud and monitor your account—wherever you are. Click the link below to learn more:

BankORION Alerts Powered By VISA

eNFACT Fraud Detection

We monitor debit card and ATM transactions for fraudulent activity through eNFACT, a fraud detection program. eNFACT learns your normal spending patterns over time and any transaction that meets the criteria set up to create a fraud case will automatically trigger a call or text from eNFACT. Click below to learn more about eNFACT.


Frequently Asked Questions

Click the link below to access our most asked questions regarding Fraud. We'll go over the best ways to prevent fraud on your mobile device and how to prevent fraud in general. 

FAQs - Fraud