Coming Soon! We are working very hard to provide you with a new website that is easy to use, navigate and has all the conveniences you need. We will be updating you very soon on the launch date. Be on the lookout for more announcements! 

Online Checking Accounts

Announcing Online Account Opening through BankORION! Now you can open an account online or through our mobile app, without stepping into a branch. It's easy to open an account from the comfort of your own home or when you're on the go. Open an account today by clicking the button below:

Open an account

Regular Checking

  • Minimum Opening Balance: No minimum balance requirement if under age 22. If 22+, minimum to open account is $100.
  • Unlimited Deposits: YES
  • VISA® debit cards: YES - with approved application, must be 18 or older to receive a debit card
  • Free Online Banking & E-Statements: YES
    • Secure access to balances & transactions
    • Imaged checks and deposits
    • 21 months of statement history
    • Transfer funds & make loan payments
  • Zero-to-Low Service Fees
    • Average daily balance of $250 avoids service fees

Rewards Checking

  • Free Checking
  • Free Bill Pay
  • FREE ATMs** nationwide
  • Post and settle 10 Debit Card transactions within the statement cycle^
  • Enroll and receive electronic statements, must be registered for digital banking^
  • Access digital banking at least one time during the qualification cycle^

^Please note that debit card transactions do not always post and clear on the day of purchase. Debit card transactions must post and clear your account within the statement cycle. It is recommended that you do not wait until the end of the cycle to make your debit card transactions, as they may not be posted in a timely manner. Please note: To meet the Rewards Checking requirements you must access your BankORION Digital Banking at least once during the qualification cycle. The qualification cycle is the period beginning one business day prior to the first day of the current statement cycle through one business day prior to the close of the current statement cycle. Should the statement cycle end on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday the qualification cycle will end two business days prior to the close of the current statement cycle.

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 10/18/2021. Minimum to open account is $100. Rate tiers are as follows: Reward Rates 1.51% APY applies to balances of $.01 - $15,000 and 0.10% APY paid on balances over $15,000 as long as qualifications are met each cycle. The APY for accounts with balances over $15,000 will range from 1.51% to 0.10%. Base Rate 0.01% APY will be earned on all balances if qualifications are not met. All balances will earn 1.51% APY to 0.10% APY as long as qualifications are met. A Rewards Checking Calendar is located on the following website: Please review this calendar to determine the monthly statement cycle. Rates may change after the account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings. Consumer purposes only. No monthly account maintenance fees. No Bill Pay Fee. Limit two Rewards Checking Accounts per household.

**ATM fee refunds up to $25 per cycle when qualifications are met.

NOW Checking

  • Earns interest
  • Unlimited check writing
  • Zero-to-Low Service Fees:
    • Average daily balance of $1,000 avoids service fees
  • Minimum to open account is $100