Coming Soon! We are working very hard to provide you with a new website that is easy to use, navigate and has all the conveniences you need. We will be updating you very soon on the launch date. Be on the lookout for more announcements! 

New Construction Mortgage Loans

Are you in the market for new construction? Are you building your dream home? We are your source for providing you with the options that fit your needs. Check the benefits of new home construction below:

  • Fixed rate
  • Multiple advance note up to nine months to complete project
  • Monthly interest-only payments
  • Low fees

Apply for a construction loan

Use Our Calculators

Enter your desired payment - and let us calculate your loan amount. Or, enter in the loan amount and we will calculate your monthly payment. You can then examine your principal balances by payment, total of all payments made, and total interest paid. 

Home loan calculator

Meet Our Lenders

Are you ready to meet a lender? Our lenders' reputations are second-to-none when it comes to providing excellence in customer service. Their main focus is to provide you the personal service you need to make an informed decision. As BankORION lenders, they make it their personal responsibility to exceed expectations with each interaction!

Meet our lenders

new house construction

We'll make your dreams of building a new house, a reality.

Connect with us today for a consultation.

Meet Our Lenders