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Certificate of Deposit

Not sure which account is right for you? A certificate of deposit is a secure and safe way to save your money. We encourage a minimum of $500 deposit to open a CD. Here are some benefits of CDs:

  • Competitive rates and flexible terms
  • Bonus rates available with an investment of $25,000 or more

Online account opening is now available for CDs. Click the button below to open your account today.

OPEN AN ACCOUNTClick for rates

CD Special 

Enjoy 4.25% APY* for 9 Months.

  • Starts Nov 13, 2024. 
  • *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY accurate as of Nov 13, 2024. APY interest paid semiannually.
  • $1,000 minimum opening deposit.
  • $250,000 household maximum deposit.
  • CD Automatically renewable for 12 months at the rate in effect at that time. 
  • IRA automatically renewable for 24 months at the rate in effect at the time.
  • Not available for institutional funds. A penalty may be assessed for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings. Offer subject to management's discretion and may be canceled at any time. 

Click for rates

Sprout Savers

Our Sprout Savers CD is a great alternative to savings bonds. This CD is for customers 18 years and younger. This CD does require an adult joint owner with two signatures for withdrawal.

  • Minimum $20 deposit to open
  • Starter savings for customers 18 and younger (3 per minor)
  • Deposits in increments of $20
  • Certificates available in 12, 24 or 36 month terms
  • Automatically renewable
  • Gift receipt available
  • Redeemable with no penalty within 10 days of each maturity or any time after the minor reaches 18
  • Maximum balance of $50,000

Click for rates