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BankORION Announces Annual Shareholders Meeting - March 18, 2024

posted on Thursday, April 4, 2024

BankORION Announces Annual Shareholders Meeting

Orion, IL, April 3, 2024: The 133rd Annual Meeting of the shareholders of Orion Bancorporation, Inc. was held, on Monday, March 18, 2024 at Bally's Quad Cities Casino & Hotel, Rock Island, IL.

President and CEO Matthew P. Bollinger informed stockholders the company ended 2023 with total assets of $641 million, and total stockholders' equity ended the year at $50 million. In addition, total loans and total deposits ended the year, respectively, at $369 million and $537 million.

Bollinger reviewed progress made on several topics including the bank's strategic initiatives, the wealth management division, InvestORION, the opening of a new branch in Cambridge, IL, the construction of a new operations center in East Moline, IL, and the progression of technology in banking. 

Bollinger announced the retirement of long-time chairman of the board and former CEO, James R. Dingman. Jim joined BankORION on March 15, 1976 as a management trainee, retired from the role of CEO during 2017 and had been with the Bank for 48 years.

The shareholders re-elected Alan F. Wright and Kevin P. Koellner to the board of directors for three-year terms. Mark B. Werning was newly elected to the board of directors. Other directors include Matthew P. Bollinger, Timothy J. Fritz, DeaAnne C. Bloomberg, Douglas R. Nelson, Brad Keleher, and Gerald D. Johnson.

Subsequent to the shareholders' meeting, the board of directors of BankORION and its parent company, Orion Bancorporation, Inc. appointed Alan F. Wright to the role of Chairman. Alan has been a member of the board of directors since 2003.

The board of directors of BankORION and its parent company, Orion Bancorporation, Inc. also announced the promotions of Valerie A. Johnson to Vice President, Director of Operations & Project Development, Aleshia V. Chiesa to Vice President, Director of Marketing & Culture, Lindsey J. Uttech to Assistant Vice President, Director of Human Resources, Jill E. Lievens to Assistant Vice President, Fraud & Card Services Manager, Susan A. Wright to Assistant Vice President, Consumer Lending Officer, Marni R. Bannerman to Deposit Operations Officer, Brad S. Butcher to Commercial Loan Officer, and Chris R. Blake to Information Systems Officer & Network Administrator. 

Headquartered in Orion, IL, BankORION has over 133 years of experience in financial services. BankORION has seven locations including Orion, Cambridge, Moline, Aledo, and Annawan, Illinois as well as Bettendorf, Iowa.