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BankORION Announces New Operations Center in East Moline, IL

posted on Monday, June 3, 2024

BankORION Announces New Operations Center in East Moline, IL

BankORION has officially announced a new operations facility at 4700 Kennedy Drive, in East Moline, IL. BankORION is inviting the public to celebrate at 11:00am on June 14, 2024. Refreshments will be provided. 

Matthew P. Bollinger, President and CEO of BankORION, stated "Our customer base has grown over the past several years and the manner in which we need to serve our customers and employees has also evolved. The new facility is equipped with additional technology and offers expanded space, enabling us to improve our efficiency and continue delivering exceptional service to our customers. This strategic move is part of our long-term growth strategy, ensuring that we remain competitive and responsive in a rapidly evolving financial landscape. While our operations have moved to a new facility located in the Quad Cities, our roots and headquarters are still located in Orion, IL. We remain strongly committed to our 134-year history in Orion, our branches in Cambridge, Aledo, and Annawan, and our footprint in the Quad Cities market."

The 11,000 sq ft commercial property was built in 1993 with two levels and was the former office of McClure Engineering Associates, Inc. The remodel of the facility was led by Centennial Contractors of the Quad Cities from Moline, IL. 

Headquartered in Orion, IL, BankORION has over 134 years of experience in financial services with total assets of $641 million. BankORION has seven full-service branches including Orion, Cambridge, Moline, Aledo, and Annawan, Illinois as well as Bettendorf, Iowa.