Coming Soon! We are working very hard to provide you with a new website that is easy to use, navigate and has all the conveniences you need. We will be updating you very soon on the launch date. Be on the lookout for more announcements!
Transfer funds to almost anyone in real-time.
With the latest upgrade to our mobile app, we've introduced the following features:
Online account opening is now available online or through our mobile app. Click the button below to open your account online today.
Simply click on the buttons below to download the BankORION apps for iPhone or Android:
Our mobile app allows you to manage your personal finances. With mobile banking and the BankORION Mobile App for iPhone and Android, you can access the following anytime, anywhere:
Terms & conditions
Visit the BankORION app from your mobile phone, log in to your account with your fingerprint or face, and your money is there! To set up your TouchID or Facial recognition, click on the 'Sign on with Face ID or Fingerprint' option on the home screen of the app. Or, click on the 'More' menu. Click 'Settings' and click 'Quick Access.' Select Face ID or Fingerprint. You should get a green pop-up with the message: TouchID and Facial Credentials saved successfully. Then access your account with your fingerprint or your face.
Now you can open an account online or through our mobile app, without stepping into a branch. It's easy to open an account from the comfort of your own home or when you're on the go. Open an account today!
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Our mobile app for iPhone, allows you to manage your personal finances. With mobile banking and the BankORION Mobile App for iPhone, you can access your personal finances anytime, anywhere!
Our mobile app for Android, allows you to manage your personal finances. With mobile banking and the BankORION Mobile App for Android, you can access your personal finances anytime, anywhere!