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What protections do I have when I use Zelle®?

You are protected in the unlikely event an unauthorized user accesses your consumer accounts and initiates payments using the BankORION online banking platform or the BankORION mobile app.

However, because Zelle® is intended to replace instances where cash and checks are being exchanged, you do not have the same protections associated with a credit card or a debit card transaction, such as the ability to dispute purchase transactions. Once you send money with Zelle®, you cannot cancel the payment if your recipient has already enrolled. Neither BankORION nor Zelle® offers a protection program for any authorized payments made with Zelle® – for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for or the item is not as described or as you expected.

We recommend you only send money to known and trusted recipients when using Zelle®.

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