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Who can I send money to with Zelle®?

You can send money to friends, family and others you trust.2

Since money is sent directly from your bank account to another person's bank account within minutes,3 it's important to only send money to people you trust, and always ensure you've used the correct email address or U.S. mobile number.

Mobile network carrier fees may apply.

Must have a bank account in the U.S. to use Zelle®.

Transactions typically occur in minutes when the recipient’s email address or U.S. mobile number is already enrolled with Zelle®.

In order to send payment requests or split payment requests to a U.S. mobile number, the mobile number must already be enrolled with Zelle®.

Copyright © 2022 BankORION. All rights reserved. Terms and conditions apply. Zelle and the Zelle related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.

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