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Rates for Personal Accounts

The interest rates and annual percentage yields stated below are accurate as of

Statement Savings Account

Balance Interest Rate APY*
$0-$2,499 .05 .05
$2,500-$24,999 .10 .10
$25,000 or More .10 .10

$100 minimum to open. *Rates may change after the account is open. Fees may reduce earnings. APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

Health Savings Account

Balance Interest Rate APY*
$100 Minimum deposit to open. .10 .10
$100 minimum to open. Simple interest. *Rates may change after the account is open. *APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

NOW Checking

Balance Interest Rate APY*
$1,000 Minimum deposit to open. .10 .10
$100 minimum to open. *Rates may change after the account is open. Fees may reduce earnings. APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

Super NOW Checking

Balance Interest Rate APY*
0 -$2,499 .05 .05
$2,500 - $24,999 .15 .15
$25,000 - $499,999 .25 .25
$500,000 or more .35 .35
$100 minimum deposit to open. *Rates may change after the account is open. Fees may reduce earnings. APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

Money Market

Deposit Interest Rate APY*
0 - $2,499 .05 .05
$2,500 - $24,999 .15 .15
$25,000 - $49,999 .20 .20
$50,000 - $99,999 .25 .25
$100,000 - $499,999 .30 .30
$500,000 + .35 .35
$100 minimum deposit to open. ++Rates may change after the account is open. Fees may reduce earnings. APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

Retirement Accounts

Terms (Months) Interest Rate APY*
24 .90 .90
30 1.00 1.00
36 1.10 1.10
48 1.20 1.20


1.30 1.30
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal of all Certificates of Deposit (CDs) except for some IRA CDs. If you withdraw some of the funds before maturity, the interest rate for the remaining funds in your CD may be reduced to the current applicable CD rate.

CD Special - Limited Time

Minimum Deposit to Open Terms (Months) Interest Rate APY*
$1,000 9 4.20 4.25
* APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal of all Certificates of Deposit (CDs) except for some IRA CDs. If you withdraw some of the funds before maturity, the interest rate for the remaining funds in your CD may be reduced to the current applicable CD rate.

CD Rates

Minimum Deposit to Open Terms (Months) Interest Rate APY*
$500 7-31 days .30 .30
$500 3 .40 .40
$500 6 .50 .50
$500 12 .60 .60
$500 18 .65 .65
$500 24 .70 .70
$500 30 .80 .80
$500 36 .90 .90
$500 48 1.00 1.00
$500 60 1.10 1.10
* APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal of all Certificates of Deposit (CDs) except for some IRA CDs. If you withdraw some of the funds before maturity, the interest rate for the remaining funds in your CD may be reduced to the current applicable CD rate.

Minimum Deposit to Open Terms (Months) Interest Rate APY*
$25,000 7 - 31 days .40 .40
$25,000 3 .50 .50
$25,000 6 .60 .60
$25,000 12 .80 .80
$25,000 18 .85 .85
$25,000 24 .90 .90
$25,000 30 1.00 1.00
$25,000 36 1.10 1.10
$25,000 48 1.20 1.20
$25,000 60 1.30 1.30
* APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal of all Certificates of Deposit (CDs) except for some IRA CDs. If you withdraw some of the funds before maturity, the interest rate for the remaining funds in your CD may be reduced to the current applicable CD rate. For CDs opened through our online account opening service the APY earned will be the same as those listed above for CDs with a minimum deposit to open of $500.